The pilot of a MiG-21F-13, number 007, defected to Israel on 15 August 1966, and the aircraft was subsequently shipped to the U.S. for study. In 1982, Brig. Gen. Ya'acov Turner, who had begun work on creating the IAF Museum, asked the USAF to return the gift. The Americans sent a MiG-21, but it turned out to another MiG. The Israelis appraised the U.S. of the mistake, and the U.S. sent a second MiG-21 - but that was not the original one either. Iraq, Egypt, and Syria used the MiG-21, and they were used in the Six-Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973). The IAF claimed 245 air-to-air MiG-21 kills between 1967 and 1973.